For the hundredth time…

How many keys to how many doors do you hold in your hands today? How many opportunities are waiting for you to discover them?

I can name at least 7 opportunities that lie in waiting for me. Life offers so much abundance it can actually be overwhelming. Sometimes it is difficult to make a choice when it seems like everything is a possibility. But in reality we need only open a few doors to find the life we love to live.

The trick is to pick the right doors. And to do it we need to first embark on a journey of imagination. So today, for the hundredth time (because this is acutally the 100th article I have written for this website since I began in October of 2009) I tell you that there is a perfect version of yourself. It already exists. It is the blueprint of your design. You were fashioned in the image of a perfect version of you.

So what are the opportunities that present themselves in our life? What are our choices today? We must follow our hearts desire. We must allow ourselves to pursue our ideals not just our goals. We must create the life we love to live.

How do we know what are the right opportunities? Sometimes what is presented in our lives is a way for us to create failure and disappointment. Sometimes what we may “want” is in fact the pull of an unhealthy desire. Our ego may pull us off course. So how do we choose differently? How do we make the choices that get us closer to our hearts desire?

We must envision our end goal. That is the secret. In order to take steps in the right direction we must create the vision of our hearts desire. We must see it clearly in our minds eye. The more detail we create around it the faster and easier we will manifest it in our lives. We cannot act until in fact we know what our action means. When we try we end up “acting against our own interests”.

I have sometimes acted against my own interest and perhaps you have as well. It is not pleasant. I prefer not to repeat it. For this reason I have chosen to become consciously aware of how to create a mental equivalent of the thing I want. I do not need to understand the laws of the universe to use them. Gravity remained constant when humans were ignorant of its place in the four forces of nature. The same is true for creating the life we want to live.

So today take some time to create the mental picture of your hearts desire. Allow yourself to fill in the blanks and create a detailed image. The faster we get to our ideas, the faster we create them in our lives. And so it is.



My vision is a world where conflict is communicated and used to stimulate personal freedom and expression for all humankind. My mandate is to reduce conflict using love as my primary tool. My life's work is to learn and then share my learning with others. I am supported by a wonderful loving husband named Pedro, a loving family and many friends. I derive income from helping my clients build and protect their prosperity . 


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