Spiritual Principle 4 – Choice

Which of these rocks do you choose? Is there a difference? Is there judgement involved or just choice? These are the fundamental questions we must answer in order to create our conscious choice. We are not selecting, we are choosing.

There does not have to be an order to our practice of spiritual principles for success but there can be and it can help.

We need to be centered, conjoined (our spirit to our body and to the greater spiritual energy of the universe) and conscious in order to make the right choices for our spiritual direction. I purposefully did not choose “path” because your journey is more akin to standing in a field of dreams than to being on a highway or other pathway. And I did purposefully choose “right choices” because in fact there are choices which cause us to raise our vibration to be more in harmony with the universe. We know this. We have experienced it in our life when we have said things similar to this; “it just seemed so perfect for me”.

Here is something to think about. There is only one immutable (unchangeable) fact in our lives. We cannot live a life devoid of choice. From the moment we awaken to the moment we go to sleep we are a veritable choice machine. So one of my favourite expressions (which I have tried on myself but always seems to fit like a hair shirt borrowed from a monk) is “I had no choice”. This is impossible. We had choice, we just did not like the choices we had and so did not want to make one. We chose not to make a choice. In fact, in my experience, this is one of the hardest choices to maintain.

We have the inalienable right (cannot be transferred to another) to choice. In fact I would put it in even stronger terms. We have the inalienable responsibility to consciously choose the life we want to live. Now this can be a daunting responsibility if we choose fear or it can be a miraculous experience if we make our choices clear to ourselves. The one thing we struggle with most (speaking from experience) is to be clear in our choice and so at all times I attempt to be as clear as possible so I (and the universe) am aware of what I want in my life.

So here is your exercise on choice for today:

I am here. I am clear. I choose ____________ (fill in the choices you want in as much detail as you want).

And it seems fitting that I would end this article by sharing a choice of my own. I am here. I am clear. I choose to laugh out loud many times each day, learn as much as possible about myself and the world around me and share it lovingly with others to create as much harmony as I can in my lifetime.



My vision is a world where conflict is communicated and used to stimulate personal freedom and expression for all humankind. My mandate is to reduce conflict using love as my primary tool. My life's work is to learn and then share my learning with others. I am supported by a wonderful loving husband named Pedro, a loving family and many friends. I derive income from helping my clients build and protect their prosperity . 


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