Numerology is one tool of universal energy…

I discovered many years ago that I was a believer not a doubting Thomas. For this reason I would probably not make a very good scientist. However, science stimulates and intrigues me so I study it and funnily enough numerology seems to fit in rather nicely.

I believe that mathematics is a universal language that it can be used to uncover and describe almost everything in the known universe. So it seemed logical to me then that numerology would have the power to describe as well. For this reason I investigated further and found out that my life path (the number 6) could not be more accurately described for me than by numerology.

And not just western thinking either, Indian numerology was just as revealing. How interesting that two supposedly divergent philosophies would end up so similarly describing attributes and that additionally they are so perfect to describe me. For this reason I believe it can be important to employ all sorts of tools and practices in our spiritual discovery of life.

Here are two interpretations of the number six. First from the western numerology perspective and one from the Indian numerology perspective. What I enjoy about the more eastern (vedic) perspective is that it includes a visual reference (the yantra for meditation). What I like most about the numerology perspective is that it is in its simplest form the balance between love and responsibility and therefore easy to remember.

So my advice, were I predisposed to give it…smile, would be that we do not limit ourselves on the journey of life. Many humans have come before us and provide tools and techniques to enlighten us. Until you have tried them you may not know which resonate with you and which do not.

It is important to remember that a journey of discovery does not require judgement. All we need do is to look for and choose those techniques and tools we are drawn too. I have and continue to explore this thing called life with as many of the tools and techniques as I can. Some of them like Runes I tried for a while but have not as yet continued with them. Others like meditation continue to be a source of enlightenment and tranquility in my life. It is has been an enriching experience for me and hopefully will be for  you as well.



My vision is a world where conflict is communicated and used to stimulate personal freedom and expression for all humankind. My mandate is to reduce conflict using love as my primary tool. My life's work is to learn and then share my learning with others. I am supported by a wonderful loving husband named Pedro, a loving family and many friends. I derive income from helping my clients build and protect their prosperity . 


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