I have discovered that always being willing to lend a helping hand has resulted in many people always available to help me. Now I am not suggesting that you think of this like an investment account and go out and start making deposits. Because I am confident the universe reads our energy and will see…
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exercises for individuals
A Philosophy, Spiritual Fitness
I am grateful to be alive…
by Bradley
I am so very grateful for the life I have. Surrounded by the love of my husband, my family, my friends and even my colleagues I feel such a sense of peace on most of the days of my life. The peace comes, I believe, from the celebration and gratitude I put out to others.…
A Philosophy, Life Lessons
Time waits for no one…
by Bradley
One of my favourite songs from days of yore is by a group called The Alan Parsons Project and the song is called Time (see the music section if you want a link to iTunes). The lyrics profess that “time is flowing like a river”. Now Einstein taught us that in fact we only experience…
A Philosophy, Spiritual Fitness
Hope springs eternal…
by Bradley
How often do we give way to negative thinking when in fact one simple positive thought could wash it all away and carry us upstream on a current of bliss? I often envision hope as a beautiful well-spring that starts somewhere unknown to me but is always nearby and available to me. The reason I…
Life Lessons
Don’t worry, you’re happy…
by Bradley
Happiness is the natural state of mind which exists when we strip away all the worries and stories of unhappiness from our daily living. Each of us was born with a happy spirit. I believe it is necessary for the birth process to complete itself. Those spirits who cannot enter into the world happy simply…
A Philosophy, Spiritual Fitness
Thanks giving thoughts…
by Bradley
Like so many things in modern North American society, Thanksgiving can trace it origins back to the Christian tradition. Thanks giving was actually a Christian practice that took place in church and was usually to mark a specific event and thank God, in fact it was often used for giving thanks for the righteous triumph in…
A Philosophy, Spiritual Fitness
What’s love got to do with it?
by Bradley
One of my goals in life is to reduce conflict. In order to do this I have a “main question” that I use to test my thoughts, words and actions against. It is a simple question with often profound answers revealed to me. The question is: What does love look like now? All too often…