Tag Archive for perspective

All you see will be revealed…

Have you ever noticed it is often not all that important what is going on in the rest of the world? In fact it is very important what is going on in our own world.   We may glance at the news, or more than glance but relentlessly we come back to concentrate on our…


Inspire or expire, the choice is ours…

When you look at the photo what do you see? Is it a scene of decay wherein the colors are caused by the absence of life giving sap or do you see nature in a spectacular display of its cycle? Neither perspective is more correct than the other. Neither perspective is “better than the other”.…


I am who I am supposed to be…

We are all in the right place now. Everything is happening exactly as it needs to happen. Each of us is where we need to be. Each of us has everything we need for a full and complete life. Everything is right in our world. These statements are the foundation of happiness. They free us…
