I am so very grateful for the life I have. Surrounded by the love of my husband, my family, my friends and even my colleagues I feel such a sense of peace on most of the days of my life. The peace comes, I believe, from the celebration and gratitude I put out to others.…
Tag Archive for inspiration
inspiring thoughts and exercises
A Philosophy, Life Lessons
We the faithful of the earth…
by Bradley
Someone wrote to me the other day after reading my Blog and said “I didn’t know you were a religious person” and my first thought was “I am not”. As I responded to his kind e-mail I found myself writing that I considered myself to be spiritual but not really religious. I am not saying…
A Philosophy, Spiritual Fitness
Hope springs eternal…
by Bradley
How often do we give way to negative thinking when in fact one simple positive thought could wash it all away and carry us upstream on a current of bliss? I often envision hope as a beautiful well-spring that starts somewhere unknown to me but is always nearby and available to me. The reason I…
Life Lessons
Don’t worry, you’re happy…
by Bradley
Happiness is the natural state of mind which exists when we strip away all the worries and stories of unhappiness from our daily living. Each of us was born with a happy spirit. I believe it is necessary for the birth process to complete itself. Those spirits who cannot enter into the world happy simply…