Tag Archive for hope

having or inspiring hope

Lend a helping hand…

I have discovered that always being willing to lend a helping hand has resulted in many people always available to help me. Now I am not suggesting that you think of this like an investment account and go out and start making deposits. Because I am confident the universe reads our energy and will see…


Aging is not wise…

On the road of life sometimes we think that age will result in wisdom. I do not believe it. Wisdom is not acquired simply because time passes. Perhaps you have heard the saying “old and withered”. This is not necessarily confined to the body, the mind can also play this game…smile. Let me tell you a…


I am what I am…

One day there was a pinnacle in my life and so I thought to climb it. The difficult thing was not the climb and when I reached the pinnacle I realized I had not yet  achieved my goal. I stood at the top. I marveled at my accomplishment. I gazed out to the horizon. But…


Hope springs eternal…

How often do we give way to negative thinking when in fact one simple positive thought could wash it all away and carry us upstream on a current of bliss? I often envision hope as a beautiful well-spring that starts somewhere unknown to me but is always nearby and available to me. The reason I…
