Tag Archive for choice

things over which we have choice

Be your own Inspector Clue-so…

Sometimes a subject comes up in our lives repeatedly. When it does I try to pay attention and discover the hidden meaning. In fact, I would say that until we learn our lessons they continue to repeat in our lives. Perhaps you have noticed the same in your own life. I have seen billboards, newspaper…


You are a gold medalist in the game of life…

The Olympics are on in Vancouver and there is always much ado about medals. There are ceremonies, podiums, ranking and beautiful awards. Each of us is also in fact in a competition with ourselves to “win at living”. Just like Olympic athletes we have multiple times to do practice runs. In fact there are many…


There but for the grace of God go I…

At first when you look at this photo you may not recognize the Dragonfly has landed on a mirror and that is the reason for the appearance of two bodies. This is also true sometimes when we look upon our fellow man. We may not recognize they are always a reflection of us. Sometimes, most…


Less talk, more meditating…

A leaf. A rock. Sand in formation. A perfect visual image to meditate upon. Meditation is easy if you want it to be. I have talked before about different forms of meditation (including laughing meditations) and now I want to give a simple example and share my experience of yet another form of meditation using a…


Courtesy is contagious…

The other day I was watching the movie Avatar when the person next to me received not one phone call, but two! How interesting that no one around him spoke to him, admonished him nor was rude to him even when his behaviour was so discourteous towards others. It was an excellent sign to me.…


Lights, camera, action…our life story

Each of us is directing a full length feature film. It is called “my life story” and while the characters may differ, the scenery change and choices be unique, the fact of the matter is we are all writing, scripting, directing, producing and also starring in our own life story. One thing that always fascinates…
