Tag Archive for authentic

To do or not to do…

This is not the question and yet for so many so often, it is the occupier of our thoughts, the demander of our attention. Life can be lived in one of two states. Feeling side out or feeling side in. If we chose to live life feeling side in our true nature can be hidden…


Being consciously aware of our authentic self…

I spent a week in Chicago at the International Centers for Spiritual Living Conference. It was fantastic! For me the theme was emergent evolution — humanity emerging as the authentic loving Self — a conscious awareness of being Spirit. At the final talk, I was reminded that this was the last conference the International Centers…


In the end the right thing happens…

I love my life. I have so many inspirational people within it. This particular insight comes from a client of mine named Nicole. Everytime I see her she has a smile on her face. She has kind and loving energy and it is always a pleasure to meet with her. Today she gave me this…
