Coming home to community…

Wednesday is the 29th Anniversary Celebration of the Honolulu Church of Religious Science … I’ve been flooded with memories as this is my “home church.” I actually started studying Religious Science in Glendale, California, and got a good understanding of Religious Science, yet Honolulu, through Rev. Helen Street, was where I grew up. Where I…


A rich life is the best reward…

Did you think money when you read the title? Has rich become synonymous with wealth? Have we lost sight of the rich fabric of life in favor of the fabrics worn by the rich and famous? Maybe, but that does not mean we cannot choose again. I am not sure what it is like for…


Superstition killed the…mood

Ooooooo … it’s Friday the 13th!! It’s only 8:52 AM and already I’ve heard 3 references to Friday the 13th being bad luck… Logically, why should a number, attached to a particular day, be ‘bad luck’? It doesn’t make sense, According to Wikipedia, the legends of Friday the 13 are numerous – maybe starting in…


We are what we think

Truer words were never spoken. In fact scientists believe that human thought and tool development may actually be linked and is in fact what gives us the human spark. What is important about tools and language is that in fact we must plan for some future event that is not happening at the moment and…


I never get tired of ideas…

I think of ideas as a flow similiar to a beautiful mountain stream. It is very difficult to describe the stream itself. We can describe what it flows over, around and through, in other words the terrain but the stream itself is there one minute and gone the next. The same is true for the…


Living life free from blame…

Something that has become quite clear to me with the current events of the world is how we humans still have the propensity to make enemies. When stuff happens in our lives, we look for someone to blame. A hurricane occurs, lives are lost, homes are destroyed, chaos reigns … suddenly the U.S. government is…
