How we communicate is every bit as important as what we are communicating. Too often we may choose to spend time on being clear in our message when in fact we need to spend equal amounts of time being considerate. How we act towards others will influence how others respond to us. Does it always…
Spiritual Fitness
Practicing spiritual fitness using self-exploration exercises to live the life you love.
A Philosophy, Spiritual Fitness
All of us deserve a happy, healthy, harmonious life…
by Bradley
Sometimes it is tempting to want to judge ourselves or another and misbelieve we are undeserving. This is not the case and we should not believe others or ourselves when these thoughts occur. Life is simple but not always easy. The reasons for it not being easy can differ from one person to the next…
A Philosophy, Spiritual Fitness, The Law of Attraction
Peaceful, playful, prayerful…
by Bradley
Prayer to me is about being deeply connected and conscious about my life. Using my definition hopefully most of our life is spent in prayer. I do not pray simply because I lack something. I do not pray only because I am in fear. I pray to recognize the absolute miracle that I am living…
A Philosophy, Spiritual Fitness
Lend a helping hand…
by Bradley
I have discovered that always being willing to lend a helping hand has resulted in many people always available to help me. Now I am not suggesting that you think of this like an investment account and go out and start making deposits. Because I am confident the universe reads our energy and will see…
A Philosophy, Spiritual Fitness
Choose your words wisely…
by Bradley
Sometimes when I hear other people talk I wonder if they are listening to their own words. I do not always “choose my words carefully” but as much as possible I listen to my words, my tone, my inference. There are two sides to each communication, the sender and the receiver. How much we benefit…
A Philosophy, Spiritual Fitness
If life hands you berries, make compote…
by Bradley
The secret to my life of contentment is “just add sugar”. And by sugar I mean have a positive outlook on everything. There is a scale at which one end is positive and one end is negative. While at some time it is necessary for us to tip the scale in favour of negative thoughts…
A Philosophy, Spiritual Fitness
I am grateful to be alive…
by Bradley
I am so very grateful for the life I have. Surrounded by the love of my husband, my family, my friends and even my colleagues I feel such a sense of peace on most of the days of my life. The peace comes, I believe, from the celebration and gratitude I put out to others.…
A Philosophy, Spiritual Fitness
Judge not and ye shall have more choices…
by Bradley
I have a secret to tell you. You can choose for yourself without judging others. It seems so simple. Life can be this easy. Sometimes it can be easy to confuse judgment and choice. Here is an example that I have often used to help people distinguish between the two. You woke up this morning.…
A Philosophy, Spiritual Fitness
Anger, often a bridge over troubled water…
by Bradley
I have on one or two occasions in my life had the experience of inappropriately angry people. I have been myself inappropriately angry. Luckily, I noticed. In fact, I only speak of that which I know. I only have wisdom when I have experience. I can only change when I am open, observe and respond.…
A Philosophy, Spiritual Fitness
Men have feelings too…
by Bradley
When you look at Golden Girl do you think or do you feel? Do you know the difference? How often are you aware of which you are doing. These are non-trivial questions and essential to our enjoyment of life. I am male and typically like most males if you ask us the question “what are…