Spiritual Fitness

Practicing spiritual fitness using self-exploration exercises to live the life you love.

Laugh your way to success…

A smile is a precursor to a chuckle. A chuckle a precusor to a laugh and a laugh a precursor to absolute total abandonment in mirth. It is scale and if you are not familiar with it then perhaps  you need some practice. Did you know that laughter can be used as a form of…


What is this thing called life…

Did you know that every atom in your body was created 13.7 billion years ago. There is no more and no less matter in the universe today than after it was created within the first second of the universe’s creation. But that is not all that fascinates me. Each breath we take chances are there…


Transformation information…

As surely as physics provides the basis to turn water into hydro-electric power, choice provides the basis for our transformation. The most interesting part of transformation to me is not what we become, nor even necessarily what we were before, it is the process of the transformation itself. The key word is “change” and I…


On track for success…

Many times it occurs to me that I may have mislaid the track in my life that I presently am heading down. Sometimes it even feels like a steep track and that gravity is inevitably pulling me toward an unwanted destiny. This is wrong. I am not the conductor. I am not the engineer. Because…
