Life Lessons

Articles I share to help build the life I love to live.

You are the apple of my eye…

How often I have heard what I refer to as the three great mistakes of relationships? In truth, I may have even said one or two of them myself…smile. These three simple yet profound statements which I call the three false promises are thoughts or beliefs that will undermine your most intimate relationship: I need…


The fountain of YES…

How wonderful it would be if the dominant thought in our minds was always YES. We would be more artistic or more dramatic or even, dare I say it, much happier if we only said YES more often. It is not always easy to arrive at the destination YES (obviously a Canadian airport seeing as…


Don’t worry, you’re happy…

Happiness is the natural state of mind which exists when we strip away all the worries and stories of unhappiness from our daily living. Each of us was born with a happy spirit. I believe it is necessary for the birth process to complete itself. Those spirits who cannot enter into the world happy simply…
