There are many ways to succeed in our lives. Sometimes we need to unlock our potential and sometimes we need to lock away other aspects of our personality that do not support us. Knowing what to unlock and what to lock-up are the key (nothing like a bit of pun) to our success. I am…
Spiritual Fitness
Let your inner child shine love (Part 1)…
by Bradley
This young man has a gift for us. It is not the twinkle in his eye, nor is it the slightly mischievous smile, although they are in fact both wonderful gifts. Instead he is offering us something much more profound. He holds in his hands the energy behind his success. He offers us the gift…
A Philosophy, Life Lessons
Right now you are perfect…
by Bradley
People are like vases. Each one is slightly different although there are many that are similar. But the important thing to remember is that if you try to alter the vase you will only damage it. A vase is not component parts like a car. You can easily swap parts in cars but not so…
A Philosophy, Life Lessons
Imagine your dreams…
by Bradley
Each of us has a dream. The challenge is to not live with the dream but in fact live our dream. This is not as difficult as we might have thought. It all starts with our ability to know our dreams. What is your dream? Take a moment right now and allow yourself to know…
Spiritual Fitness
Lead with your heart and your head will follow…
by Bradley
Most of us will be remembered for our heart and yet we spend so much of our life trying to be smarter. Now first off I want to apologize to the 1 or 2 people who in fact may be remembered for their smarts not their hearts. For the budding Einsteins I would put it…
A Philosophy, Life Lessons
Celebrate good times…come on
by Bradley
Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we shall live again. Chances are each of us has much to celebrate in our lives but how much time do we take to enjoy it and share it? The image of the champagne cork evokes a feeling within me of celebration with reckless abandon. Whomever caused the…
Spiritual Fitness, Spiritual Principles
Spiritual Principle 7 – Complaint free
by Bradley
I do not complain about the world. I choose to change it. Some say “we should view the world through rose colored glasses”. Others would say “we need to take time to smell the roses”. I say something different: “substitute a choice every time you have a complaint and you will enjoy life more”. Scientifically it…
Spiritual Fitness, Spiritual Principles
Spiritual Principle 6 – Committed
by Bradley
Here is your field of dreams. It stretches as far as your eyes can see. It is green and lush. It has endless possibilities. It is soft if you stumble. Everything about your life has made it easy to commit to any particular direction you choose but you must take each step. The way we…
Spiritual Fitness, Spiritual Principles
Spiritual Principle 5 – Confident
by Bradley
Our spiritual confidence is what manifests our choices. Each of us is drawn to confident people. We are attracted to success and self-belief. To demonstrate and encourage others is the true measure of our confidence. Life is not a competition. The t-shirts are simply wrong. The fact that capitalism is built on competition and that…
Spiritual Fitness, Spiritual Principles
Spiritual Principle 4 – Choice
by Bradley
Which of these rocks do you choose? Is there a difference? Is there judgement involved or just choice? These are the fundamental questions we must answer in order to create our conscious choice. We are not selecting, we are choosing. There does not have to be an order to our practice of spiritual principles for…