Context is everything. When you look at the photo do you see a relaxed woman communing with nature or do you see the straining neck muscles of a woman holding a pose that is uncomfortable so the photographer can capture a moment in time?
No matter what you see in the photo, it is valid, as are you and your perspective on the world is worth understanding and sharing with others. In short – you matter. Yes you are comprised of matter also but in this instance I mean that you have meaning.
Another thing I love about this photo is that it is like an infinity pool. It is difficult to tell if she is actually in the water or hovering slightly above it, does the water cascade gently over a small waterfall or is simply a gentle slope that provides the illusion. As in life there can be many unanswered questions. And we also have the ability to create the answer that we like and live fully within our creation. I do not mean we live in illusion, I mean we create the reality because just like there is only one camera angle to this photo but the reality has depth and dimensions so is it true in our lives. We get to fill in the depth and dimensions of each photo of our life.
So today instead of focussing our camera outside of ourselves, let us focus within and add to the depth and dimension of our own life. For by doing so we not only enrich ourselves and those around us but we will add to a life we love to live.