I’ve had some amazing experiences with hummers. The first one I remember was after a day long meditation class at the Glendale, CA. church. I went to my car and there was a hummer, just hanging in the air about 4 feet in front of me – it’s colours flashing in the sun. I watched for the longest time, and felt so privileged to have that experience, then as I opened my car door, it left.However, just before I could turn the key to start the engine, it was back – hanging in the air outside my windshield, closer this time. I sat there in awed appreciation. It was as if that meditation class had put me in a space where I could feel unity with all life, and the hummingbird felt it.
Another time was at Asilomar, when I was walking down from my room (across from the main gate) and there was a gorgeous male sitting on a branch. Just sitting! Normally it would have flown away in brilliant flash of colour, but it just sat there .. I stood and watched it preen itself for quite a while.
I had officiated at a wedding a couple of weeks ago at which the bride gave the groom a wedding ring with a hummingbird engraved on it. She wanted me to say something about the ring, and in my research I discovered that in the Haida culture Hummingbirds are bringers of JOY.
The Sunday after holding the hummingbird in my hand, I walked into the Rec, Centre where we hold our Gatherings and saw this month’s Common Ground magazine – yes, it had a hummingbird on the cover – and the feature article was about JOY!!
All these experiences I consider “Love notes from the Universe.” Each time the message has been JOY!! Meister Eckhart, the great Catholic mystic said “Joy isthe most infallible sign of the presence of God.” I accept!!
How about you? What Love Notes have you been receiving lately?
Blessings, Rev. Angelica
Knowing that Divine Energy is the essence of the Universe – the Source and Substance of all – I now declare I see It and hear It and experience It will all of my senses. I know this Essence is the Source and Substance of who I am.
The Universe is constantly giving me Love Notes. I allow myself to receive and acknowledge them. I experience these Love Notes in all areas of my life. In my health, my finances, my relationships and my work. Every time I notice one, I celebrate it. I am so grateful I can do this.
I celebrate the Spirit of Joy in me, as me today. I let It fill me up and flow out into my atmosphere with ease and grace. Gratefully, I know my life is God’s Life and it is good. And so it is.