There is a power for good and we are it…

Each of us is worth our weight in gold. There is a power of creation at work within us. We have the innate ability to create in our lives. The secret is to use it not just learn about it.

The power of creation lies within. It is easy use but not always easy to find. The reason it can be difficult to find is because we may in fact be telling ourselves we do not have it or cannot use it. You see if we admit we have the power of creation then in fact we might not like everything we have created in our lives. For this reason we can shy away from connecting to it.

My advice. Lose the attitude of judgment and move directly into using it to create the life we love to live. And in case you were wondering this is advice I give myself not just to others…smile .

The use of the “law of creation” is really quite simple. The Christian tradition summed it quite nicely I thought when they said “seek and ye shall find” at least that is my recollection of their teaching from the King James version of their book called the bible.

So if the “use” of law is easy why is that we do not always create something we “want”? The answer is both simple  and somewhat scary. We create that which we believe we deserve. We create that which supports us on our journey. We create so we can experience and thereby learn at a deeper level. All aspects of life offer us something. Sometimes it is difficult to acknowledge this. I can tell you that one of things I try to do in my own life is to receive everything with grace.

By seeking to remain within a state of grace I am more able to put into perspective things which I may have otherwise found difficult to accept into my life. A good example of this would be accepting my homosexuality. This was not a desired state. In fact for most people I believe we want to be as close to the norm as possible. It is more comfortable to be normal.  No one chooses to be ostracized from their society. Society normally chooses to ostracize and sometimes we agree and hide ourselves.

Once I accepted my reality it was not difficult to share it with others and I also did not take any responsibility for others reaction to it. I learned to leave people with their own thoughts and feelings. They are not mine, they are theirs.

So today, try to receive everything in your life with grace. Remember that is your own creation and offers something to you.  Accept what is offered without being judgmental or afraid of it. Accepting does not mean it is necessary to keep concentrating on it. If you do not like what is received then exercise choice to change it. Remember, there is only one prime directive to a happy life. Live the life you love to live.



My vision is a world where conflict is communicated and used to stimulate personal freedom and expression for all humankind. My mandate is to reduce conflict using love as my primary tool. My life's work is to learn and then share my learning with others. I am supported by a wonderful loving husband named Pedro, a loving family and many friends. I derive income from helping my clients build and protect their prosperity . 


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