Monthly Archives: March 2010

Love and the whole world loves you…

Symbols are so important to our expression. The symbol of the heart really means kinder, gentler thoughts but we choose to instead relate more to the faster beating heart experience of when we are in romantic love. That works well for romance but a lot of our daily loving is for people other than our significant…


Approach life with gleeful abandon…

Today is going to be an excellent day. Nothing more is required to be done. The day is already underway and was created for our own personal enjoyment. Now all we need do is to choose enjoyment. Look at the woman in this photo. I love it. If I were walking along the beach and…


Thank you for this day…

Thank you for this day Spirit, thank you for this day. This wonderful, glorious, beautiful day. Thank you for this day! These lyrics were a song I have sung many times based on the music of Karen Drucker. I often find it easier to give thanks on a beautiful sunny day with a blue sky…


I am in the flow of life…

It is impossible for us to step out of the flow of life. We are living and this very fact ensures that we are part of the flow of life no matter how much we may have the mistaken impression to the contrary. The issue is never are we in the flow; it can only…


Love each as your brother…

Brother has so many connotations in today’s multicultural environment but all the meanings share something in common – a feeling of bonding, closeness or camaraderie. This special feeling or bond that we have with our brothers and sisters is important because at the heart of it is the fact we will stay together as a…


Involution versus our evolution…

The dragonfly is considered to have evolved some 300 million years ago. Its incredible ability to hover, fly sideways, upwards and instantly change direction are a result of its incredible body form and structure. But its structure or form, no different than our own evolved, from an idea into a reality. It is involution (an…


Gentle is as gentle does…

The best things in life are free. To be free we need to have calm in our lives. When we are calm we are gentle with ourselves and others. Everything I think, say and do is always a reflection of me, never of another. When I find myself the most aggravated by others is when…


You deserve an Oscar…

Each of us deserves an Oscar not just for our starring role in our lives but also for the stories we create. It may be that sometimes we are putting on a brave face when in fact we need to be asking for help or it could be that we seem to be repeating a…
