Monthly Archives: February 2010

Open mind, open heart, open doors…

There is nothing more powerful than an open mind nor more beautiful than an open heart. “O” is the second letter of our acronym LOVE. Each us is born with the most wonderful gift created in the universe. It is our ability to think. Our mind is an amazing electrochemical engine for storing, processing, combining…


Learning is a lifelong pursuit…

To play any musical instrument requires ability, skill and knowledge.  It is no coincidence (ok maybe it is) that together they form the word ask. Learning is the first letter in our acronym of LOVE. There are, of course, exceptions but in order for us to learn the overwhelming majority of us must ask others…


I love you and hope that you do too…

There is no measure for my love. It cannot be measured and probably not even described but none-the-less I wanted to try. How much I love others is a reflection of how well I understand love and how much I love myself. At the most basic level my philosophy is built on a foundation that…


90 days of reflection…

What can one man accomplish in only 90 days? He can (I did) start a weblog and try to inspire others to enjoy more of life. Today is my ninetieth posting. I have written more but sometimes my husband Pedro discards them…for your sake he has been my editor. English is not his first language…


There but for the grace of God go I…

At first when you look at this photo you may not recognize the Dragonfly has landed on a mirror and that is the reason for the appearance of two bodies. This is also true sometimes when we look upon our fellow man. We may not recognize they are always a reflection of us. Sometimes, most…


Less talk, more meditating…

A leaf. A rock. Sand in formation. A perfect visual image to meditate upon. Meditation is easy if you want it to be. I have talked before about different forms of meditation (including laughing meditations) and now I want to give a simple example and share my experience of yet another form of meditation using a…


I do it all for you…

There are some who say that it is impossible to do things for others without personal gain for ourselves. I do not believe this as it does not resonate with me as a truth. The truth always arrives with an “aha moment” and this statement does not provide it for me. Therefore it does not…
