A penny for your thoughtfulness…

Money, movement, measurement. I call it my 3M theory. Money must always be in movement. Money is like a restless child. It needs to constantly be in motion. If not in motion then it will only become moody and melancholy.

The other interesting fact about money is that it is really only a system of measurement to assist in the movement of value throughout society. If I can build a house and you can create clothing and a third can grow crops then how do we all get fed, clothed and housed? Money solves this dilemma with a beautiful simple system wherein we have a tradable commodity (paper and coins) that we are recognize as having the same use (exchange). Marvelous…isn’t it?

It is an interesting phenomena because in reality many of us want to grab and hold on to as much money as possible when in truth the only thing that multiplies money is when it is in movement (like invested, in a bank and being loaned out to others who want or need it). When money is in movement then it creates more exchange, more communication, more value. When I buy a new shirt I allow many people to be able to afford bread. The tailor, retailer, truck driver, ship owner, customs official and maybe even more. It is a fantastic system wherein we are all provided for…at least in healthy robust capitalist economies with trade unions, good governance and fair market systems at work.

So if money has all these positive attributes why then do so many of us evaluate ourselves based on our accumulation of it? Or more importantly why do so many of us feel there is not enough of it in our lives? The answer lies, not in the thing itself but in our using it to measure the wrong thing.

Know this now. You are invaluable. You are worth more than all the gold in the universe. Your worth is not determined by your income nor the gifts of money bestowed upon you by others. Your net worth is not your real worth. So today if you are feeling a little like you are lacking money I have a simple solution. Move it around. Move your money on to others. Start the flow and you shall find yourself surrounded by the current. If want more then move more of yours towards others and others shall do the same. Remember, money is only valuable when it is traded and exchanged. So get a move on maestro.



My vision is a world where conflict is communicated and used to stimulate personal freedom and expression for all humankind. My mandate is to reduce conflict using love as my primary tool. My life's work is to learn and then share my learning with others. I am supported by a wonderful loving husband named Pedro, a loving family and many friends. I derive income from helping my clients build and protect their prosperity . 


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