The sun is always shining and we are always growing…

This beautiful sunflower plant is constantly changing and evolving. The one thing guaranteed about life is that it changes. This can be wonderful or it can be scary. It depends on two things. First is the change, second is our choice around it.

I have had the privilege of 4 major careers during my lifetime. They have all been different. Each one offerred me something unique and each one pointed me in a new direction. My life has always been interesting and exciting for me.

The career I enjoy today is possible because it brings together the skills of my previous careers. Each one has contributed something unique to the work I do now. I am so grateful for all the people who have taught me to be a good business person. I am so grateful to have clients that I enjoy working with and enjoy meeting. I have a privileged life and yet I have challenges as well.

Sometimes the changes in my life do not seem that positive when they happen but always I find there is a freedom that comes with changes in life. Once I get over the initial “shock” of the change I can see the opportunities. And when I cannot I simply try to avoid the fear of change because that will only limit me and stop me from moving on.

So today I commit to embrace the changes in my life. I accept and celebrate all of my life not just the fun parts. I am one person with one life and it is my life and it is a good life and so it is.



My vision is a world where conflict is communicated and used to stimulate personal freedom and expression for all humankind. My mandate is to reduce conflict using love as my primary tool. My life's work is to learn and then share my learning with others. I am supported by a wonderful loving husband named Pedro, a loving family and many friends. I derive income from helping my clients build and protect their prosperity . 


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