Monthly Archives: September 2010

I’ve got your back…

A friend of mine in Hawai’i was relating a story to me about how her boyfriend came up behind her and said “I’ve got your back.” We both thought it was such a sweet thing to say. Then about a week later I saw some t-shirts with the same words. I wondered if this was some new slang phrase that…


On the road to happiness…

Many years ago I decided to get on top of my own happiness. It started with a simple visit to a therapist. In fact, I was not even the instigator of the visit. I went with a friend who needed support to start therapy. Much to my surprise and his chagrin within two weeks I…


Mind your choice…literally

One of the things I’ve noticed as I talk with people is that changes are happening in many people’s lives. Some changes are manifesting painfully, and some with excitement. Each story I heard was a microcosmic view of the changes that are happening in our world. Years ago, I was sitting in a class where a question…


To do or not to do…

This is not the question and yet for so many so often, it is the occupier of our thoughts, the demander of our attention. Life can be lived in one of two states. Feeling side out or feeling side in. If we chose to live life feeling side in our true nature can be hidden…


Lifes garden has a tendency to grow

It isn’t always easy to see the fruits of our labor when we look at a barren tree branch in the early spring. It is hard to see the lush fruits perfectly formed waiting to be plucked and eaten. In the vast landscape of our life experience we can be similarly challenged. Our unimagined frontiers…


A perfect roadmap to everywhere…

When you engage in conversation with your friends, or even with those new to you – and ‘life happens’ is the topic, do you notice a theme running through it? I do. The theme is most often: “How do I get there from here?” Sound familiar? Perhaps it is running loose in your mind too?…


Stimulation not salvation is the key

All human cultures seem to practice music. My favorite practice is the water music from the women of Vanuatu as it reminds me that music is primordial and it changed my outlook on Water Music (which I previously associated more to Handel). The women perform in the water and slap it with their hands while the…


All the answers are not enough

Stephen Hawking says “theology is not required” in his book “The Grand Design”. His reasoning appears sound, “physics can explain the development of the universe including life without needing a creator”. Yeah. So what? Theology is the rational and systemic study of religion and its influence. Religion, has been, continues to be and well may…


The path to peace lies here…

Some of us participated in the 11 Days of Forgiveness leading up to the International Day of Peace on September 21, 2006. What does forgiveness have to do with peace? If you review your own life, you know that when we are holding something against another, those thoughts become like a hamster wheel of frustration and resentment…
