Kiss your troubles away…

I apologize (well not really) for writing about kissing all your troubles away but I could not resist.

This is my husband and as you can see by the photo, he is very kissable. It was he who taught me that anything and everything can be kissed away.

You see whenever I am being particularly stubborn or having a moment about something I think could/should be different than it is, he simply purses his lips and says “honey, kiss me”. He uses it anytime he wants and he uses it relentlessly.

He does not care how much I may be seething. It does not bother him that I may be foaming at the mouth over it. He simply says “honey, kiss me”. He is particularly adept at using it whenever he wants me to say yes. Apparently one needs only kiss me about five times before I automatically start being much more agreeable. Who knew it was this simple?

So today my suggestion is that you try kissing away some of your own troubles. See kissing as your magic weapon inside your intimate relationship. You can try it with your friends, family and colleagues if you like. Who am I to dissuade anyone from kissing, but you can also choose to confine your kisses to those with whom you have already brushed lips. I shall leave that up to you.

And if you are finding it a bit to risque to attempt with another then might I be so bold as to suggest you start by kissing yourself. That’s right. I said it. Kiss yourself. Kiss your hands, your arms. kiss your feet if you can. But when you kiss make sure you do it with loving kindness and tenderness. I may have said that kissing was a “secret weapon” but I meant in the pursuit of love.

You might also consider being the recipient rather than the instigator. Why not set yourself up as the kissable target. I can tell you from experience that it is a very nice position to be in. Just remember there are only three rules to kissing your troubles away. There is no negative energy in a kiss, it is always uplifting. Secondly, practice makes perfect. And finally, each kiss is an extraordinary moment between two people, it is a time honoured tradition and has been used in many spiritual ways including early Christian rituals wherein a kiss denoted peace, union and love.

So don’t delay, start today and kiss all of your troubles and others, away!



My vision is a world where conflict is communicated and used to stimulate personal freedom and expression for all humankind. My mandate is to reduce conflict using love as my primary tool. My life's work is to learn and then share my learning with others. I am supported by a wonderful loving husband named Pedro, a loving family and many friends. I derive income from helping my clients build and protect their prosperity . 


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