90 days of reflection…

The sky is the limit

What can one man accomplish in only 90 days? He can (I did) start a weblog and try to inspire others to enjoy more of life. Today is my ninetieth posting. I have written more but sometimes my husband Pedro discards them…for your sake he has been my editor. English is not his first language so he is not really correcting my language rather he is telling me that it is not “inspirational” so write again…smile.

I have not always found it easy to write something inspirational each day but I have always found it rewarding. Some of the greatest achievements in our lives come from our challenges.

I do not consider sharing my spiritual and philosophical thoughts with you to be a struggle only because I choose to be inspired by what is difficult in my life. I consider it to be a challenge to continue to express my philosophy in a meaningful and deeper way as I continue the sharing. It is going deeper within my philosophy to understand it and express myself that is the real challenge.

To an extent I have sometimes felt that I am not doing a very good job because I really wanted it to be more a conversation and less of a dialogue but in reality I remember that the only person who needs to read my words is myself and so I do. I generally write at night and then when I get up in the morning I read it. Often I am inspired. Sometimes I want to edit or change what I have written but I do not.. Sometimes I think it is uninteresting but still I continue because I am not always an interesting person so why would my blog not reflect my truth.

There are, I believe, only two questions we never fully answer and it is these questions which drive me to deeper discovery. The questions are in fact the impetus to continue living for all of us I believe. The questions are: who am I; and, how do I express it? They are the most meaningful questions to the human experience. They have existed since we were first able to conceive of them. They will continue until humanity is extinct.

So today, on day 90 I would tell you that I am Brad, a happy man in love with my husband, enjoying my life and my work. How I express it is to share my thoughts and my love ,in a kind and giving way, to reduce conflict and enhance harmony and peace in the world. I am successful at this version of Brad most of the time. I hope that when inspired you will take a moment and share more of  your philosophy with me or if you prefer ask me questions and I shall endeavour to answer them in context of my philosophy. I invite you into a conversation on your philosophy.

Thank you for reading and allowing me to share with you today.



My vision is a world where conflict is communicated and used to stimulate personal freedom and expression for all humankind. My mandate is to reduce conflict using love as my primary tool. My life's work is to learn and then share my learning with others. I am supported by a wonderful loving husband named Pedro, a loving family and many friends. I derive income from helping my clients build and protect their prosperity . 


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