Creating what I want is not the same as wanting what I create…

The sky is the limit

The sky is the limit

The only reality which really matters to us is the one we create in our heads. How fitting then that we have complete choice to write and re-write our reality.

What do I want? Is the most difficult question to answer in the world and yet we need to ask and answer it for ourselves one hundred times a day. What do I want now that my wife is mad at me? What I want now that my husband is Copenhagen? What do I want now that my job is not interesting for me? What do I want now that I am having car trouble?

What? Please someone tell me. What? What do I want? And there is only one person on this earth who can tell you…you and you alone.

The biggest distractor. The easiest sentence to answer is: what I don’t want is (insert your choice here). In fact, it is not just easy to answer it in fact is often where we spend most of our time. There are two interesting things to note here. The first is that you cannot “not” receive something. The second is no matter how much time you spend denying what you do not want you will never get closer to what you want. Not is an infinite set.

I cannot not give you a glass of water. There is no physical way for me to indicate or communicate it. I know some of you may already be conjuring up clever schemes to prove me wrong. Trust me, you will be communicating denying me which is a world apart from “not giving”. The second aspect, an infinite set basically means that NOT is a complete different set than WANT and therefore spending time on NOT will never get us closer to WANT because in fact they are in completely different locations. It was thought of by a man named Georg Cantor. It is really where mathematics meets philosophy. Ok, I recognize it is somewhat esoteric but my friend Steven loves it and I put in here basically for him…smile.

So now that I have clearly (at least in my own mind) established the logic behind never allowing ourselves to be distracted by NOT in our search for WANT let me suggest how I find out what I want. Here it is. It is a bit complicated. Do not read past the part unless you enjoy complex bio-chemical stimuli and responses. How I find out what I want is that I ask myself and then wait patiently for the answer to surface. It always does. Sometimes I think it will not. Sometimes it feels like forever. But I can honestly tell you that I  have always received an answer and once it arrived I noticed that I knew it all along but had actually been avoiding it.

Why do you think I avoided what I WANTED? Simple, the implementation of what I want will cause me to do things that I will or may not enjoy. You see ENJOY is entirely separate from WANT. However, for this missive at this moment I shall limit myself and your reading to WANT and so I leave with this final thought.

You can’t always have what you want. But that does not mean that you should ever not know what it is.



My vision is a world where conflict is communicated and used to stimulate personal freedom and expression for all humankind. My mandate is to reduce conflict using love as my primary tool. My life's work is to learn and then share my learning with others. I am supported by a wonderful loving husband named Pedro, a loving family and many friends. I derive income from helping my clients build and protect their prosperity . 


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