
My vision is a world where conflict is communicated and used to stimulate personal freedom and expression for all humankind. My mandate is to reduce conflict using love as my primary tool. My life's work is to learn and then share my learning with others. I am supported by a wonderful loving husband named Pedro, a loving family and many friends. I derive income from helping my clients build and protect their prosperity .

To do or not to do…

This is not the question and yet for so many so often, it is the occupier of our thoughts, the demander of our attention. Life can be lived in one of two states. Feeling side out or feeling side in. If we chose to live life feeling side in our true nature can be hidden…


Stimulation not salvation is the key

All human cultures seem to practice music. My favorite practice is the water music from the women of Vanuatu as it reminds me that music is primordial and it changed my outlook on Water Music (which I previously associated more to Handel). The women perform in the water and slap it with their hands while the…


All the answers are not enough

Stephen Hawking says “theology is not required” in his book “The Grand Design”. His reasoning appears sound, “physics can explain the development of the universe including life without needing a creator”. Yeah. So what? Theology is the rational and systemic study of religion and its influence. Religion, has been, continues to be and well may…


Letting go is easier than we think

Sometimes we get so attached to a particular story in our lives that we believe it is very difficult to let it go. Often the reason for this may be transferring emotions from one issue to another. That is why I was so impresed with the Travolta family decision to let go the prosecution on…


Love makes the world go round

Yes I realize that the earth was formed by a solar nebula starting the spin and as a result of space being a near perfect vaccum it continues spinning. I mean that love is the essence through which humankind expresses itself. Like Leo Tolstoy I believe that love is the central cement to the religions of the…


Today life is beautiful…

Today is just an ordinary day in the life of one man on planet earth. And it is also an extraordinary moment in time because today, like all days, life is beautiful. It is so easy to get caught up in the mundane aspects of our lives. Modern life requires many tasks and requires time…


In theory, I love you…

There is no way to actually measure the most important things in life. Love, beauty, happiness, enjoyment and even life itself cannot be measured. We can try. We can for example say life is the collection of atoms that create the physical so let’s measure that. We can and do use the power of science…


Let the sun shine in…

Today regardless of how the sky looks overhead there exists an opportunity for sunshine in our lives. How we create it is our choice but I thought I would share how I am going to do it today. The first thing I notice about sunshine is that it lifts my spirits. In the absence of…


Be yourself, today and everyday…

Look into the camera. Smile. Action. It is our life and it is so important we create the life we want to live. In fact I would say it is the cement foundation on which the entire house of our happiness is constructed. Last night I attended, sort of helped host, an event at Vancouver…
