Sunshine lights our path

Today a friend wrote me and told me someone we both know is dying of cancer. She said he did not have long to remain earthbound and I thought to myself he is just on the fast track of a journey we have all chosen to take.

So if this were my last few days or weeks what would I do, was the inevitable question I asked myself. And the surprising answer was, I would continue to live each day as I do now…to the fullest extent possible. Trying not to feel smug I set out to examine myself in this regard. I wanted to prove I am the sunshine in my own life. It has a special meaning for me as my husband often tells me I am his sunshine. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.

Now you may be asking yourself if there are specific things one should or would want to accomplish in one’s last days. My answer is that I hope not. I hope my last few days earthbound will be spent in laughter, love and enjoyment of that which has been, that which is now and that which is yet to come. The holy triumvirate so to speak. You see there is nothing holding me back from accomplishing my life at this moment. Nothing that is except my own reluctance to step outside my comfort zone and pursue it. Is it going to take me until someone tells me that I am dying in order to do it? Absolutely not. My choice is clear. Start now and remain engaged.

So I asked myself what is it I want that I am holding back from accomplishing right here and now in my life. And my answer was immediate. I want to be with Pedro and live together in the same country at the same time in the same place. The second question was, am I doing everything within my power to succeed at this goal. And my answer was, I hope so. I decided that was not a good enough answer. It is not a definitive answer. It is not the clear answer I usually have to most things in my life. And so I realize I have more work to do on achieving this goal. In the vernacular of Science of Mind it would “treat and move your feet” meaning prayer, vision, spiritual mind treatment or however you label your own, our belief does not mean we are inactive. We do both. We believe and then we act accordingly. In my case it means ensuring I have the money set aside to hire and pay the immigration lawyer. It is funny, often people struggle with the belief but I personally find it is often the concrete tangible actions that I find the most challenging. Just an observation, not a judgement.

Perhaps there is something you have in your own life which is not clear and not yet realized. I hope that in reading my post perhaps you will find some time to uncover your own truth and when and if you do then please share it with us. We are all on this journey together and any words of wisdom or encouragement we can share with one another motivates us all to live the life we love.



My vision is a world where conflict is communicated and used to stimulate personal freedom and expression for all humankind. My mandate is to reduce conflict using love as my primary tool. My life's work is to learn and then share my learning with others. I am supported by a wonderful loving husband named Pedro, a loving family and many friends. I derive income from helping my clients build and protect their prosperity . 


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