Today life is beautiful…

Today is just an ordinary day in the life of one man on planet earth. And it is also an extraordinary moment in time because today, like all days, life is beautiful.

It is so easy to get caught up in the mundane aspects of our lives. Modern life requires many tasks and requires time and often enforced deadlines. These can seemingly overtake us and the pressure of them eclipses the beauty surrounding us living on the beautiful and bountiful, blue planet.

I am reminded of this today because when I felt overloaded by the mundane in my own life my good friend came to my rescue and whisked me away to her home for some much needed rest and relaxation and this is where I find myself today.

My husband, my friend and her daughter all asked me the question “what are you doing today”. My answer was generally, to all three of them, “whatever happens works well for me”. And that is the truth. For me much of the beauty in my life comes from relationships and awareness. It is how we connect and interact. These are more esoteric than mundane. The mundane aspects can appear to be so powerful when in fact I know better. Life is lived from the inside out, not the other way around. Why do I sometimes forget this fact?

The better question to ask myself each day is not “what is happening” but in fact “what are my choices in creating a life I love to live”. Today my answer is amusingly similar to what it probably needs to be on most days but I must take it from concept to concrete. In order to live the life I love today I commit to be aware, to be grateful and to make conscious choices.

Those are nice words but how do I make them a reality and what does that reality look like. I am not sure about tomorrow but I can and will commit right here to today. I will use all of my senses to stay connected. I will stop stories of what outcomes may look like in favor of understanding what outcomes exist in the present moment. I will remember that my value is each day requires loving, laughing and learning. Equal measures of each would be nice and so I shall strive for them. These are laudable goals and I commit to them knowing they create the foundation for the life I love to live.



My vision is a world where conflict is communicated and used to stimulate personal freedom and expression for all humankind. My mandate is to reduce conflict using love as my primary tool. My life's work is to learn and then share my learning with others. I am supported by a wonderful loving husband named Pedro, a loving family and many friends. I derive income from helping my clients build and protect their prosperity . 

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