In the end the right thing happens…

I love my life. I have so many inspirational people within it. This particular insight comes from a client of mine named Nicole. Everytime I see her she has a smile on her face. She has kind and loving energy and it is always a pleasure to meet with her. Today she gave me this tidbit of wisdom and I was so inspired that I wanted to write more on what it means to me.

In the end the right thing always happens. If the right thing has not happened then it is not the end.

Such positive energy. Such potentiality is captured in these words. It advises remaining calm and looking for the “right thing”. Look at these beautiful blossoms. Can you imagine they are worried about when spring happens? Sometimes, in Vancouver, we have cherry blossoms in February other times as late as April, but always, in the end, the right thing happens and if you are a bud on a cherry tree that means opening fully into a beautiful blossom.

The same is true in our own lives. We are always ready to blossom. When it happens might be up for discussion but there is always the next bud waiting to open within our life experience. What is important to me about Nicole’s wisdom is that it focuses on the end result and does not worry about how to get it done. It implies there is always a right action and so if we keep focussed on it we will surely achieve it. When we achieve it then we can consider it the end. And of course, from each ending always springs a new beginning. It is often called the “Book of Life” because there are many chapters in it and we are our own authors.

Now some of you may wonder about the “right” part of it. I can hear your minds going a million miles a minute so let me give you my take on it. Right is not righteous, in other words it is not “justified” by us, but it is chosen. We are the ones who decide what is right in our lives. What might be “right” for us might be wrong for another. Sometimes in order to learn who I am or what I want I need to act in a way that is not authentically me or receive something I clearly do not want. All paths lead to wisdom and choice is always our ever present companion.

So the next time you are feeling or perhaps even expressing something like the “right thing has not happened”, remember to add the word “yet”. Because in the wise words of Nicole, “If the right thing has not happened then it is not the end”. Live the life you love.



My vision is a world where conflict is communicated and used to stimulate personal freedom and expression for all humankind. My mandate is to reduce conflict using love as my primary tool. My life's work is to learn and then share my learning with others. I am supported by a wonderful loving husband named Pedro, a loving family and many friends. I derive income from helping my clients build and protect their prosperity . 


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