Water, water everywhere…

Sometimes a thing can be so obvious it appears as almost invisible to us. This photo is about the sky but without the water, the sky would not be blue. This can be true in our own lives as well. Life provides us with consciousness yet we not be aware of it or use it to its best advantage in our lives.

Noticing our lives in the foundation of enjoying our lives. There are a thousand things happening in each day that are amazing. Take for example your taste buds this morning as you drank your coffee. There are about 10,000 taste buds on your tongue but our eyes, nose and brain are all intricately involved in enjoying our morning coffee. It started with the smell of it brewing and ended leaving a good taste in your mouth with a stimulated central nervous system! Why is this important, because when we are alert we are more likely to notice and whatever we notice is more likely to stimulate us and when we are stimulated life is more interesting and rewarding.

Knowing and understanding more about ourfeelings will ensure we live more engaged and enjoyable lives. It is wondeful to be aware of when we are happy. It is fulfilling to understand how to create happiness in our lives. It is exciting to notice we are in love. It is rewarding to be able to create and maintain love in our lives. These two states, love and happiness are the foundation for a fulfilled life full of contentment.

Today, take time to notice what is happening in your body and your mind. Your body is easy because there are literally billions of receptors and processes to help you. Your mind is where the truly unchartered territory lies. The important question to answer is what am I or another doing that makes me ______(happy, sad, glad or afraid)? Try to avoid “why” questions as they are more esoteric and difficult to quantify. Today concentrate on the “what”, there will be time for the “why” later. Perhaps it might help if  you write them down. It depends how much you want to achieve from this experiment and how important it is to you.

But as you move through today with conscious awareness always remember this: we are not broken, but we may choose to change, we are not necessarily unhappy but we may choose to discover more happiness, we may be alone but we can choose not to be lonely. We are the architects of our lives. Start drawing up some new plans. There are new and exciting places to visit in order to build the life we love to live.



My vision is a world where conflict is communicated and used to stimulate personal freedom and expression for all humankind. My mandate is to reduce conflict using love as my primary tool. My life's work is to learn and then share my learning with others. I am supported by a wonderful loving husband named Pedro, a loving family and many friends. I derive income from helping my clients build and protect their prosperity . 


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