Born to expand the infinite nature of God…

I am not sure what word you are comfortable to use representing “the divine”. The term I most often use is “the divine” or “universal mind and presence” or some other such term that de-personalizes the construct of teh judeo-christian belief of God that I was raised to know. I do not mean that I believe we should not or do not have a personal relationship because in fact I believe it is all we have. The reason I stay away from terms like; God, Yaweh, Allah, Buddha, Jehovah, El, Zeus, Maya, Ganesha, Ra to name but a few is that they all come with a personality! In my world view “the divine” transcends personality and does not have human characteristics so I do not use terms that might imply I believed the “divine” was somehow a personality. No personification is required for “the divine”. Mother Earth is as good as our Lord God and Saviour. In my mind they are equal but different expressions of the same basic concept, henceforth my naming of it as “the divine”.

So today when I received an e-mail giving me an acronym for BEING I thought to myself now would be a good time to explain my “definition of God” if I am going to use the term in my article. I believe god lives within each of us and everything in the universe and beyond. I think of god as the ocean and individual people, plants or even planets as drops of the ocean.  Together we all form god. God is all of us but we are not all of god. So you will now understand better what I mean when I say:

Each of us is Born to Expand the Infinite Nature of God (BEING). Each of us is born with the ability to expand and express the infinite nature of ourselves (seeing as God is us). The only true purpose in our lives is in fact to do something at which we cannot fail. We exist to fully express and experience our own lives. Our only responsibility is to choose and then be conscious of our choice and our creation. We are both the creator and the observer of our own lives. We do not even really have the capacity to see or know another because the best we can hope for is our own version of them…smile.

So today rejoice in the fact that you are born to succeed and that the only thing required of you is that you live your life to the fullest. And the even better news is you get decide what “fullest” looks like. And so it is.



My vision is a world where conflict is communicated and used to stimulate personal freedom and expression for all humankind. My mandate is to reduce conflict using love as my primary tool. My life's work is to learn and then share my learning with others. I am supported by a wonderful loving husband named Pedro, a loving family and many friends. I derive income from helping my clients build and protect their prosperity . 


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