Spiritual Principle 6 – Committed

Here is your field of dreams. It stretches as far as your eyes can see. It is green and lush. It has endless possibilities. It is soft if you stumble. Everything about your life has made it easy to commit to any particular direction you choose but you must take each step.

The way we think sets in motion the energy of creation. Our commitment to our choice opens us to receive it. We must give ourselves completely to our choice. Each of us is in fact our own practitioner. We are the ones who control our creation even if we are not consciously aware of it. Our commitment is the remote control to our greatest desires.

And our commitment is not something said once nor does it remain static. Our commitment is a constant energy supply to our choice. We must practice and strengthen our resolve. We must banish our doubts and move with assurance towards our goals.

One of the ways we can strengthen our resolve is to state it and share it with others. We are on a shared journey. The other people we include also receive. When we see others resolve it helps us all to deepen our own commitments to ourselves and to others. This is one of the reasons we have always shared certain rituals in public so that we all can “bear witness” to the commitment of others.

Bearing witness is an important aspect to  how we share with each other. If we have borne witness to another’s commitment (in other words they shared it with us whether in a formal ritual like a wedding or more informally like simply confiding in us) then we have a clearly established role. It is the role of support. We are never alone on our path, there are many others here for us and in turn we choose to be there for them when we bear witness. As we support others so shall they support us and so shall we learn self-support. Never under estimate the importance of support. It is a deep form of conjoining with another.

So today I invite you to share a commitment with yourself. You deserve the best life possible and to get it all you need do is commit to it in three easy steps. Connect. Choose. Commit.

I am connected to the universal mind, energy and spirit that creates all that exists. I exercise my free choice. I commit to: ___________________ (make it specific and be clear).

And share your commitment with another. And then should you choose doubt or lessen your resolve along the way you will have someone on whom you can rely to support your commitment. And so it is.



My vision is a world where conflict is communicated and used to stimulate personal freedom and expression for all humankind. My mandate is to reduce conflict using love as my primary tool. My life's work is to learn and then share my learning with others. I am supported by a wonderful loving husband named Pedro, a loving family and many friends. I derive income from helping my clients build and protect their prosperity . 


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