If life hands you berries, make compote…

Mixed BerriesThe secret to my life of contentment is “just add sugar”. And by sugar I mean have a positive outlook on everything.

There is a scale at which one end is positive and one end is negative. While at some time it is necessary for us to tip the scale in favour of negative thoughts (else how would we know positivity without its’ polar opposite) most of our lives we will benefit from a default to positivity I believe.

It is up to you to decide the level of positivity or the extent to which you share it with the world but internally I think you will see immediate benefits of sharing the most positivity you can and doing it enthusiastically to boot.

I am the creator of my experience. In fact I am the only one present for the experience of my life, just as each person is sole observer of their own. I love to have an interesting, exciting and vibrant life and so I choose it to be so. My secret ingredient is to coat it with sugar.

Now to some people my approach is so puzzling a choice that is almost abhorrent to them. There are actually derisive comments for “too much positivity”.  But the benefits I personally derive from my choice of looking positively at my life, far outweigh the occasional snort or bit of laughter I get when people negatively experience my positive outlook. Not surprisingly, I choose to let go of any negativity surrounding my choice and leave it with the other as it theirs and not mine, unless and until I pick it up and carry it on my journey.

I will have you know that being positive is not always easy but I can also tell you it is always worth the effort. Because I have a positive outlook I think many people are attracted to me and enjoy spending time with me. I find that people in restaurants, stores or in general have a tendency to remember me. I find that most people say yes if and when I ask to meet with them so it helps me in business not just in my personal life. I believe I enjoy better health and less stress. These are non-trivial outcomes. They are, in fact, important contributors to my overall well-being and enjoyment of life.

So the next time you are thinking to yourself that you are having a “bad time of it” might I be so bold as to suggest that you change your thinking to a positive frame of mind and let the sun shine in to your life and illuminate your darkest corners. If into every life a little rain must fall then make sure it lands on sugar and more easily than not, you may find you have turned sour grapes into sweet jelly. And so it is.



My vision is a world where conflict is communicated and used to stimulate personal freedom and expression for all humankind. My mandate is to reduce conflict using love as my primary tool. My life's work is to learn and then share my learning with others. I am supported by a wonderful loving husband named Pedro, a loving family and many friends. I derive income from helping my clients build and protect their prosperity . 


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